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UPDATED 9/11/21


ætla magazine is a biannual print publication and online community to inspire and nurture creative, wild souls through written and visual storytelling. Our pages explore the human/nature relationship, unearthing stories that explore how to be a modern human in a wild world. We publish articles of varying lengths, but most commonly around 800 to 2,000 words, or between 6 and 12 images. We always suggest that potential contributors familiarise themselves with the type of content ætla publish, and the tone and style with which our contributors tell those stories. We tend towards stories of adventure, hope and ingenuity. Be creative with your submission – no experience is too small to create an engaging story for our readers. We pride ourselves on high quality storytelling from every corner of the world – we place no limits on your location. Stories should be a new take on human/nature, be inspiring, positive and thoughtful, reflecting on the power of nature and our place within it. Our readers want to discover stories that truly capture them and their emotions.


Looking for good, solid science fiction, fantasy, and horror (plus some other types). Pay $15. "There is no minimum or maximum length for fiction. But bear in mind that short-shorts (less than 500 words) and flash fiction (less than 100 words) are usually hard sells for us. . . " Will consider them, but they will have to be exceptional."


Alma topics include pop culture, news, politics, feminism, identity, rituals, dating, and holidays — all through a Jewish lens. If you have an idea that you think might be a good fit for Alma, shoot an email to Please include a brief synopsis of your idea and a little bit about who you are and why you’re the right person to write this piece. If you’ve already written a full draft, you can send that along, too (we look for pieces between 700 and 1,100 words). Questions / submissions:


Analog’s Science Fiction and Fact magazine is an established market for science fiction stories. Analog pays eight to ten cents per word for short fiction (up to approximately 20,000 words), six cents per word for serials (40,000-80,000 words), nine cents per word for fact articles, and one dollar per line for poetry. We buy First English Language serial rights plus certain non-exclusive rights explained in our contract. 

Beneath Ceaseless Skies publishes “literary adventure fantasy”: stories with a secondary-world setting and some fantasy feel, but written with a literary approach. Payment is eight cents per word. We are NOT interested in urban fantasy or other types of stories set in our modern, contemporary “real world,” even if they contain fantasy elements, or in stories that move between the real world and a fantasy world. Limit 15,000 words.


We seek stories that evoke a sense of wonder, have deep emotional resonance, and have something unreal about them. We aim for a 12-17 age range: that means sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal, and without gratuitous or explicit sex, violence or pervasive obscene language. Think Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. Stories are presented in audio format, which means our audience rarely skim past boring bits. We’re looking for fiction with strong pacing, well-defined characters, engaging dialogue, and clear action. We like a proper narrative structure and a prose style not laden with clichés and over-worn idioms. Genres preferred are fantasy, science fiction, and horror. We’re also happy to read comedy, steampunk, age-appropriate paranormal romance, superheroes and many other genres. All that matters is adherence to our core concept and that critical spark of wonder. 


Celebrate Life Magazine is faith-based, and features human-interest stories, news, action items, information, and advice on a wide range of matters concerning the sanctity of life and human personhood. Each issue features a variety of articles, all of which must be in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Celebrate Life Magazine offers writers a national venue for their work, and we are pleased to consider your article for publication. We purchase first rights to original material, including book reviews. As a general rule, we do not accept reprints, poetry, songs, music, art, or works of fiction. Limit article length to 1,800 words, including any sidebars, unless instructed otherwise by the Celebrate Life Magazine editorial staff. Pays up to 25 cents/word.


Open the month of June (to be published starting in August that same year) Open the month of November (to be published starting in January of the next year). Looking for your best work in 500 words or less—please, nothing greater than that.  


We are drawn to beautiful language, resonant images, and we crave narrative. We enjoy a broad array of styles, but please read a few of our issues to get a sense of our lens. We purchase First North American Serial, First Anthology (for the annual print anthology), and Audio rights. Payment is US $120 per piece, delivered on publication. Poetry: Submit up to six poems (three for free submissions). Length and format are open. Poetry one-three poems. Flash: Submit one piece of no more than 1,000 words. Prose: Submit one piece of between 1,000 and 5,000 words. We only accept unpublished work that has not appeared in any publicly-accessible form previously, including online.


Cicada's Lament. Restrictions: Open to marginalized creators, particularly work by disabled and/or LGBTQIA+ folx. Genre: Fiction or poetry with elements of Southern Gothic or horror. Theme: (re) birth. Births, baptisms, beginnings. "Cicada's Lament wants your hanging moss and blue porch ceilings. We want your deer skulls and old ghosts, your ancient and decrepit houses." Payment: $5. Deadline: October 1, 2021. 


An online journal for dark literature. Publishing quarterly, Coffin Bell reads submissions year-round. Genres: flash fiction, short story, creative nonfiction, poetry, essay, short criticism, art
Looking for flash (up to 1,500 words), short stories (up to 7,500 words), and poetry of any length. 


For women who know better. Smart, fast-paced news and opinions on what matters most in our lives. DAME is smart, quick-witted, opinionated and unapologetic. DAME provides critical context around the political, cultural, and societal issues of our time. Independent, women-owned and women-edited, DAME breaks through conventional narratives to deliver the insight readers need to understand today’s complex cultural landscape. Authoritative, seasoned writers breaking stories; crafting eloquent, moving essays; offering expert advice; and weighing in on the conversations of the moment with their unique takes on politics, policy, gender, race, pop culture, the arts, business, economy, climate, Internet culture, health, and everything in-between. Rates range based on type of feature, but typically we pay $150 for essays and between $300-$400 for reported features.


Distant Shore Publishing loves little reads. Whether it’s bitesize fantasy, sci-fi you can fit in your pocket, or litRPG that you can quickly consume, we would love to hear and publish your short stories. Short story should be 1,500-4,000 words in length. It should adhere to our favorite genres: fantasy, sci-fi, or litRPG. We do not accept erotica or anything with gratuitous violence or swearing. We pay $150 per short story on publication. (NOTE: They are addressing a backlog but are opening to submissions in September.)


Fantasy & Science Fiction has no formula for fiction, but we like to be surprised by stories, either by the character insights, ideas, plots, or prose. The speculative element may be slight, but it should be present. We prefer character-oriented stories, whether it's fantasy, science fiction, horror, humor, or another genre. F&SF encourages submissions from diverse voices and perspectives, and has published writers from all over the world. Do not query for fiction; submit the entire manuscript. We publish fiction up to 25,000 words in length. Payment is 8-12 cents per word on acceptance. We buy first North American and foreign serial rights and an option on anthology rights.


Start enjoying the fun and informative topics covered in every issue: Travel, Health, Wellness, Training, Fashion, Pet Nutrition and reviews of the latest Top Pet Products on the market. FIDO Friendly is the essential guide for the best travel destinations where both you AND your dog are welcome. Pays ten cents/word for up to 1,200 words. 


Deadline: November 1, 2021
Accepts stories between 300 and 5,000 words. All stories must begin with the first line provided (no alternations). Stories should end with this sentence: Later that evening, they sat alone in their apartment, wondering if they had made the right decision. Pays on publication  $25.00 - $50.00 for fiction ($5.00 - $10.00 for poetry, and $25.00 for nonfiction (all U.S. dollars)). They also send a contributor's copy.


Our submission portal for original and reprint stories opens from the 1st to 21st of each month. We are looking for complete 500- to 1,000-word stories with crisp prose, well-developed characters, compelling plots, and satisfying resolutions. We want stories that engage our minds and emotions. We publish across many genres, including speculative (science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and horror) and literary fiction. For more information on the type of stories we enjoy, please read a few issues and check out our "What We're Looking For" page. Payment is $80


Pay authors $50 for original micro fiction (400 words or fewer) and $75 for original flash fiction (401-1,000 words). Publishes micro and flash fiction from writers of any background or experience. (Also see their contest below.)


A magazine dedicated to mental health, when considering pitches we are looking for fascinating stories that focus on the promotion of good mental, the prevention of bad mental and physical health, and the issues that inspire a better society for all. A typical Happiful feature will range in length from 1,000-2,000 words. Happiful Hacks are supportive, actionable advice pieces – between 650 and 800 words – that provide people with practical tips that they can take away to enhance their lives. 


Healthyish wants to redefine what a site about healthy food and wellness can be. In addition to our recipes and quarterly editorial packages (like The Feel Good Food Plan and The Healthyish Guide to Being Alone), we aim to publish conversational, passionate articles that cover the many intersections of food, wellness, and culture today. Healthyish Loves It pieces run around 250 words, service pieces run around 500-800 words, and personal essays can be longer. Payment starts at $300 ($100 for Healthyish Loves It) and increases based on experience, complexity, and amount of reporting in the piece.


Hermine is looking for short stories of less than 4,000 words for Issue 2. lease include a short cover letter letting us know where you’re located. Include your publication history if you have one, but don’t let a lack of credits stop you from submitting. Submit one story per year. Payment is $50 to $200. 


All stories must end with the last line provided. The line cannot be altered in any way, unless otherwise noted by the editors. The story should be between 300 and 5,000 words Here is the last line for 2021: "Welcome to the family." Pays on publication: $20.00 - $40.00 for fiction (U.S.) Plus the send a contributor’s copy.


Looking specifically for quality articles of interest on the craft of writing and the writing industry.  Articles from industry professionals with unique perspective and insights are always welcome. Writers should include a brief bio with any proposal or submission. . We spent over ten years on the Writer's Digest top 100 sites for writers and always strive for quality content. Minimum 500 words. Maximum depends on the topic. If you are a freelancer looking to produce content on a consistent basis or even for one-off article ideas, send queries for articles to with "Article Query" in the subject line and the proposed topic. Pays more than 10 cents/word, and repeat writers receive over 15 cents/word. 


Our target reader is an 18 to 35 year-old urbanite who may not be religious, but is seeking spiritual fulfillment and answers to life’s dilemmas. Eye On the Times column - Religious liberty, social justice, human rights and health news of 300 words paying $75. Optimal Health column - Health News, how-tos and healthy habits of 550 words paying $150 per article. Spiritual, uplifting comeback stories, testimonials, answered prayers, profiles of inspirational people, helpful community programs - 300-900 words paying $75 to $300. ​


A journal of flash fiction that publishes one story a week on Thursdays. Send your “beautifully weird, lyrical flash fiction pieces of up to 750 words.” They also offer two-question interviews from participating writers the Monday after their story is published!


Narrative is a nonprofit organization with the ambition of encouraging good literary work. We do not charge readers for the magazine. During the first two weeks of April, we do not require a reading fee for general submissions made specifically to the Open Reading category via our submissions page. However, manuscripts submitted during this period are not eligible for the Narrative Prize. Pays $150 for a Story of the Week, with $400 each for the annual Top Five Stories of the Week, $150 to $350 for 500- to 2,000-word manuscripts, $350 to $1,000 for 2,000- to 15,000-word manuscripts. Rates for book-length works vary, depending on the length and nature of the work. Pays $50 minimum for each accepted poem and audio piece. ($25 for poetry reprints.) Pays $200 each for the annual Top Five Poems of the Week and $100 for Readers’ Narratives.

Orion’s Belt is the home of bold, experimental literary science fiction and fantasy. We want stories that make us think about our place in the universe and our relationships with each other. We want stories that blur the line between “genre” fiction and literary fiction. We want stories that reach toward the stars while never forgetting the people on the ground. And we want it all in under 1,200 words. We pay a flat eight cents USD per word. This is the industry-standard, SFWA-approved professional rate.


Parabola is a quarterly journal devoted to the exploration of the quest for meaning as it is expressed in the world’s myths, symbols, and religious traditions, with particular emphasis on the relationship between this store of wisdom and our modern life. Each issue of Parabola is organized around a theme. Examples of themes we have explored in the past include The Quest, Happiness, The Wild, and Presence. Parabola welcomes original essays and translations. We look for lively, penetrating material unencumbered by jargon or academic argument. We prefer well-researched, objective, and unsentimental pieces that are grounded in one or more religious or cultural tradition; articles that focus on dreams, visions, or other very personal experiences are unlikely to be accepted. Articles: 1000-3,000 words. Book Reviews: 500 words. Retellings of traditional stories: 500-1,500 words. Forum contributions: no longer than 500 words. 


Now open for submissions for their winter issue 51.1
Accepts up to three pieces of flash prose of less than 1,000 words each. (Send in a single document). (They also take poetry and longer fiction.) Contributors to the print editions receive two copies of the journal upon publication


PITHEAD CHAPEL publishes art, literary fiction, nonfiction, and prose poetry monthly. At present, we only accept submissions under 4,000 words. All submissions that follow our guidelines below will be considered for an upcoming issue. Because of Submittable’s costs and policies, we cap our submissions at 300 per month across all genres, and will close our windows early if we reach this cap, re-opening on the 1st of the following month


Submissions to the Solo series will reopen on June 1, at noon EST. Pays $450 upon publication. Ploughshares has published quality literature since 1971. Our award-winning literary journal is published four times a year; our lively literary blog publishes new writing daily. Since 1989, we have been based at Emerson College in downtown Boston.


Pays $100 per traditional interview, $150 per roundtable interview, $150 per collaborative piece, $200 per essay, $100 per review, $150 per work of fiction, and $25 per poem (capped at $80). (Prices in Canadian dollars.) The Puritan is one of Canada’s premier online literary magazines. Based in Toronto, and founded in late 2006, The Puritan is committed to publishing the best in new fiction, poetry, interviews, essays, reviews, and more, from both Canada and abroad — and has published many of today’s finest literary talents.



A multicultural magazine of poetry, short fiction, essays, short plays, and art. Seeks “to publish work that is striking in its originality, energy, and craft, from both new and established writers. The high quality of work published in River Styx has made it a leader among literary magazines for over 45 years.” If your work is fewer than 500 words, you can send up to three pieces. Pays a one-year subscription, one additional copy of the issue in which your work appears, and payment of approximately $25 to $150, “depending on the length of the work as well as our finances at the time of publication.”


Deadline: October 31, 2021
An international feminist magazine which wants work from underrepresented writers all over the world. Pays $50 CAD for one page $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for Four pages, and $150 for five or more pages. See home page for upcoming themes and deadlines. Submit up to five poems, 5 art images, and up to 3500 words for fiction and creative nonfiction.


SHORT STORIES and CREATIVE NONFICTION (essays, memoir, etc.) should be under 8,000 words. NOVEL EXCERPTS under 8,000 words will be considered with great enthusiasm. flash fiction stories under 1,000 words each (you may include up to three pieces of flash in a single submission. POETRY submissions should contain up to five pieces and not more than ten pages total. We pay our contributors at the rate of $100 per poem, $100 per 1000 words of prose up to $500, and $50 per page of comics up to $500. In lieu of a typical cover letter, please include an optional brief set of cultural expectations or writer’s notes (traditions, audiences, goals, etc.) that inform your submission. Pays $100 per 1,000 words with a ceiling of $500.


Deadline September 15, 2021. Silence in the City is an anthology of speculative tales asking what happens when a city—and all of modern civilization—is plunged into darkness. Limit 2,500 to 5,000 words. Pays six cents per word. 


Skirt. is a platform that celebrates women and all angles of life. If you want to make an impact and feel that you have a message to share, a topic for debate and conversation, or an upcoming local event, then we’d love to hear from you! Your article/essay should be no less than 500 words and maximum of 1,000 words. Pays $200. 


Spark provides flash fiction romance and women’s fiction stories under 1,000 words. Want “stories that will grab the reader and put a lil’ spark in their day.”See upcoming themes at deadlines”


Deadline: September 30, 2021 for issue #6.
Seeks SplonkFlash up to 500 words (no poetry but prose-poemish is welcome), SplonkMicros of up to 100 words. Also accept Irish language flash up to 500 words for SplonkSplanc. One submission per author per submission period. Sub in one category only, please. No simultaneous submissions. They like experimental work, straight narratives, language-driven flash, historical, futuristic, post-apocalyptic, weird, quirky, ‘normal’, melancholic, and happy work. Send us whatever you’ve got, but avoid clichés!


(No reading fee for September)
National literary arts magazine with an emphasis on the Midwest. Wants your best stories (including flash), creative nonfiction, poems, and ideas penned on envelopes in buses and train cars. Wants work from new and established writers, "representing a range of styles and approaches, and generally be as un-boring as it can." Now pays $10 honorarium. (Send up to 4 flashes, 4,000 total words, one file.)


Unlocked is a daily teen devotional produced by Keys for Kids Ministries. We’re seeking devotional pieces that fit a variety of forms and genres. Submit a gospel-centered devotional piece—whether it be essay, poetry, fiction, or other written art form. Connect God’s story with any topic you see in the world. How does Jesus fit into what you are wondering about, writing about, or experiencing? Successful submissions connect Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to the topic being addressed. Word count requirements for the body of a submission: Devotional essays and personal stories: 200-315 words; Fiction: 200-350 words; Poetry: 16-23 lines. Pays $30 on acceptance.


Feature stories under 1000 words. Are open for submissions during the final week of each academic month, with the exception of December. So: the final weeks of August, September, October, November, January, February, March and April.) Writers may send one or two stories in a single document. (If you have micros -- each story <  250 words -- you can send up to four.) They post new stories at least once a week for nine months of the year. During their summer break (late May until August) they put up their annual,  The Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions of the year.


Opens on June 1, 2021 for submissions. Pays eight cents/word up to 1,000 words with a flat rate of $80 for longer stories. Pays $20 for reprints. Stories limited to 10,000 words. All stories must be furry. That means an anthropomorphic animal figure should be significantly featured in your story — it could be anthropomorphic in body or only intelligence. We’ll consider any type of furry fiction from secret life of animals to fox in Starbucks. We love science-fiction with animal-like aliens and fantasy with talking dragons, unicorns, or witch familiars. (Thanks to WritersWeekly)




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